As some of you may recall, I was diagnosed with a non cancerous brain tumor in 2014. Since then I’ve been doing medical monitoring, my daily meditations and other various modalities in order to heal.
Last week I had a follow up brain MRI and subsequent visit with the Chairman of Neurosurgery here in my new home state of Texas. I received my results early Wednesday evening via “The Portal.”
The benign meningioma in the back of the brain is still present. It has grown and now has some localized swelling. Surgery is highly recommended as a blockage to the venous sinus could occur due to its location and size.
When I heard the results, I had about 20 seconds of “wtf really, after all this work, years, literally years of healing work, transformations and daily healing meditations…” and then I caught myself. I laughed out loud and thought “I am ready, I am so freaking ready for this! This has been an amazing healing journey on so many levels and I am free. All my old fears around surgery and more are gone. I now have faith and trust… so bring it on!”
In a split second my brain thought ”this has been one hell of a 5 year healing journey and I am so freaking grateful. I’m excited for what’s next.”
I know some won’t get this. “I AM Healthy, Healed and Whole,” my matter just needs a little surgical assist in upgrading.
On August 27th @ 7:30am CST I will undergo brain surgery to remove that little ball of grace filled tissue in the back of my head.
I am open and receiving to all the positive, light filled love, healing meditations, prayers and good vibes you have to offer. There is absolutely nothing to fear, be sorry for, or worried about. I AM Blessed and Grateful for this journey of my beautiful life. I have an amazing husband that I love and he honors, respects and loves who I am on all levels. I have a supportive and loving family, extended family and soooooo very many friends that I choose as my family. As the saying goes, “friends are the family that we choose for ourselves.”
I plan to write/blog every 1-2 weeks, keeping you posted and going into more detail of my healing journey, up to and post surgery. I will be adding in a few inspiring stories of other people’s surrender, hope and miracles as well. (Let me know if you have one to share.)
Please sign up on my website/blog if you’d like to keep updated. This will be my main way of communicating to all of you, my family and friends from around the world.
Please Sign Up on my blog page by using the form to the right.
Einstein said “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I choose miracles!
In Gratitude and Love,

Light Channel, Energy Practitioner, Synesthesia Artist
Making the Invisible Visible.