It is my belief that when we are in touch with our inner light, our true radiance, when our light is seen and recognized, when we uncover our own light and reconnect back to it, when we begin to recognize again and again our inner luminosity, when we are continually reminded of our light, either through reflection, meditation, another human being, or an energy Portrait hanging in our home or sitting on our meditation table, we connect back to a state of inner balance mentally, emotionally and physically, we come back to that place within ourselves that is whole, healed and free from circumstance. Our true radiance is always within us even when we don’t see it or recognize it due to our daily struggles. Even on a bad day, when we are acknowledged, when our light is seen, when we connect back to even a tiny spark of our inner radiance, it’s enough to remember that our divine light is always here for us, to use to re-source ourselves, to reconnect, to light our own pilot light, to shine the light for our heart and spirits expansion into a state of happiness, joy and balance. When we are open to the recognition that our divine light source is where miracles, healings, transformations and manifestations occur, we are better able to receive them and life continues to change for the better. This place is our birth right, our birth light!
One spark, one light, one life…
This is why I paint the light I see in others. This is why it’s my passion and I can’t not do it. This is why I have painted and created art on and off since I was 6 years old, to get to this place, to recreate the light that I see in others for people to see and recognize that this light is here within each and every one of us, where miracles happen. I see it, I can recreate it with watercolor and ink so that now others can see it too! And I am so blessedly grateful because of it.
If only we all saw the beauty of our own light, our own radiance ~ there would be a lot less suffering in this world and a lot more joy. Here’s to your light!

Light Channel, Energy Practitioner, Synesthesia Artist
Making the Invisible Visible.